Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Love Changing the Clocks!

Ever since college, I have loved the return to Standard Time that happens every fall. Seriously, you know those days where you wish you had an extra hour? One day a year you actually get one, and it's awesome. Every year, I'd plot out of my 25 hour schedule to make sure I'd get as much done as possible - I don't know what it is, but I feel so much more motivated just knowing that an extra hour is there to do whatever I want with. I always feel like I have to put it to good use because it's such a good opportunity! And even though I'm not an undergraduate anymore, I still find myself feeling the same way about the longest day of the year.

This year was no different! I woke up to my clock reading 8:15am this morning (meaning it was actually 7:15am), and felt so energized for it being so early in the morning! And now, it's getting close to 5pm and it's already dark, but I don't care because I've been so productive today! Before 2pm I'd done some homework, planned out menus for the week, gone shopping to buy all the food, made a delicious snack for Matt and myself, started laundry, and gone for a 45-minute run.

My only wish is that we could get an extra hour more than once a year -- it's just such a good opportunity to get caught up (and get an extra hour of R-and-R, too!)

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