Sunday, March 15, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Check out Org Junkie's website for more menu planners this week!

Monday (last Monday class night EVER):
Grilled Cheese and Soup (probably Amy's Organic Lentil Soup)

Tuesday: Baked Polenta with Fresh Tomatoes and Parmesan and some steamed veggies

Wednesday: Fried Rice with some baked tofu (marinated in a little bit of whatever I've got lying around)

Thursday (last Thursday class night EVER): Ravioli from the freezer with some steamed veggies

Friday: Falafel wraps and (if I can get to the store) this baked eggplant recipe

Saturday: Dinner out or leftovers

Sunday: Spaghetti with steamed veggies and garlic bread

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your menu sounds delicious! All things I love - polenta, falafel, grilled cheese!

(Also, your Monday and my Friday are identical twins separated at birth!)