Monday, May 11, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday is actually happening ON Monday this week for me. Shocking, I know! I'll be perfectly honest about last week or the week before - I basically didn't make any of the recipes I listed! So we'll try this again, and hopefully I'll be a little more dedicated to what I actually list out. :) As always, check out Org Junkie's website for more menu plans!

Monday: Alphabet soup from a local packager

Tuesday (class night):
This is going to be a late one, so probably (gasp) fast food of some sort. *sigh* I know, I know.

Curried Cauliflower with Black Beans from FatFree Vegan, served over brown rice.

Easy Polenta with Tomato Sauce and some veggies on the side

Quinoa and Black Beans, and maybe some grilled steak/veggie burgers/veggies.

Something delicious that Matt wants.

Leftovers! Because no one should have to cook on Sundays. :)


beverlybygrace said...

Good menu. Have a good week.

ACH said...

Mmm! I want to come over for polenta ;)

em²ile² said...

Oh, I am definitely trying that quinoa recipe this week-- it sounds amazing! Not to mention that I have 2+ lbs of quinoa from the bulk bins at Winco just waiting to be used.