Thursday, January 15, 2009

Home Gym Update (Project 11)

I posted last week about making a home-gym (or, really, a work out "nook") in my apartment to supplement my gym time and running. I set 4 goals for myself: incorporate at least 3 kinds of activities in an organized way that allow the rest of the room to still be used for it's original purpose and not make Matt's life miserable in the process. Oh yeah, and spend less than $100.

There are lots of resources available online to help with establishing a workout space. This website has some great resources for cheaply acquiring (or even making) weights - I have a bit of experience with Play It Again Sports and highly recommend them, but unfortunately there isn't one in Eastern Washington. :( As the kinds of equipment to buy if you're not in the market to purchase a large exercise machine (which is exactly my situation), I found this article from WebMD the most comprehensive and useful - it really tells you what you can do with all the different pieces of equipment and why you should get them.

So now you're probably wondering, what the heck did I get?

First up, a balance ball and a set of adjustable (up to 30 lbs) dumbbells.

And secondly, three resistance bands and an 8 lb medicine ball.

I also have my yoga mat that I've had for forever that I plan on using as my "fitness mat". Now all I have to do is get it all put together. Stay tuned for the post with pictures of my actual workout corner!

1 comment:

Jay Ferris said...

I once took a resistance band to the eye. It was completely my fault, but I haven't used them since.